A distinguished teacher and scholar, Albert E. Elsen (1927-1995) was professor of art history at Stanford University and an activist on behalf of art and artists. He was the recipient of numerous awards and honors, among them Fulbright, Guggenheim, and National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships; he also served as president of The College Art Association of America. At Stanford University, Elsen established the B. Gerald Cantor Rodin Gallery and Sculpture Garden and a campus-wide program of outdoor sculpture.
Origins of Modern Sculpture:
Pioneers and Premises
by Albert Elsen
Paperback, 179 Pages
ISBN-13: 978-0807607374
$22.95 (Can: $34.50)
In this work, Albert Elsen explores the radical changes that transformed sculpture between roughly 1890 and 1918, signaling the emergence of modern sculpture. He demonstrates how Rodin and his younger venturesome contemporaries changed the look and focus of sculpture, thereby initiating its continual process of redefinition. The result is a fascinating and thought-provoking book that explores the questions that led to the revolutionary premises of modern sculpture.